Class Discussion (02/15): Brainstorming for the Sci/Eng Library

9:47 PM

After hearing some feedback from everyone about my idea for the Science and Engineering Library, I've done a little more research and brainstorming. I originally wanted to put up simple designs such as stained bacteria being viewed through a microscope or streak plates filled with bacteria, however, I've decided I want to add a bit more creativity to it.

Examples of my original idea:



In class, we looked at some microbial/agar art links, and I thought something like that would be a great idea. It would allow me to combine science and art, two topics that we almost never associate together. Here are a few examples:


The first photo is similar to what I originally had in mind, although the different shapes and colors of the bacteria used are much more diverse. The second and third photos are examples of the perfect combination of science and art, and it allows a lot of wiggle room for the artist/scientist to experiment, too. Creating something like that would definitely brighten up the dull wall in the Science & Engineering Library, even more so if the bacteria was fluorescent! 


In addition, while doing some research, I also came across Klari Reis' works. Reis designs a petri dish painting every day and posts it on her blog. Here is a sample of her work:

Designing something similar to this would also be interesting. Although it leans more towards art rather than science, I thought putting art into petri dishes would be eye-catching nevertheless.


There are a lot of different paths I could go down with this idea, but as of now, I am leaning towards creating some agar art (e.g. the Starry Night recreation and beach scene photos).

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